Thursday, May 05, 2005

Stick me again!

Just got back from my pre-test junk. First stop was the docs office. Thirty minutes later I finally see him. We go over some random stuff and sign a consent form, blah, blah, blah. I've done this before remember? Next stop the "Ambulatory Sugery" area for the pre-testing. The go over a bunch of stuff, too. I can have clear fluids until 9 am, but no food after midnight Sunday night. Oh lovely, no breakfast, lunch or dinner. I will be a treat, I promise! *wink* I have to be there at 1:30, surgery at 3:00, which will take 1-1 1/2 hours, about an hour in recovery, another 1-2 hours in observation. I'll get home just in time to go to bed probably w/out food. :) So glad it's convenient for them! Probably a good deal for Eric though. ha ha ha So they drew my blood or tried. She first checked my left arm...Nothing. Then she checked my right arm...Stuck the needle in and moved it around a bit (not fun, but she was nice about it). She said my veins kept rolling. She got maybe a couple drops from that one, then quit when she noticed I had stopped breathing except for a few grunts when she moved it. Now down to my hand. She wrapped that rubber thing around my wrist extremely tight and kept hitting my hand. No veins would pop. She left (to get a smaller needle) and when she got back they were popped enough that she got blood and I was done. She even apologized profusely. Good thing I'm not deathly afraid of needles. They seems pretty nice in there, although the waiting room isn't all that comfy. :( I might even let Eric get some sort of game to take with him to pass the time. hee hee I think he'll need it. That might keep him from chewing his fingers off, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know all about that whole "I can't get a vein to give blood" thing. Ugh.

So you are going in on Monday? Wow, that came up fast! Good luck and stuff yourself the day before you have to not eat, maybe that will help?