Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I want you to have intercourse...

I left work early today to head to the doc's office to get my ultrasound. At this practice they have a lady who does all of the ultrasounds, so Dr. S doesn't actually do any of them. We were early and waited about 50 minutes before they finally called my name. We went in and she said I was getting a follicle scan, which is what I had assumed. I let her know that Dr. S's office had only said to come in on CD 14 to get an U/S and I assumed that was what I was getting based on the internet. :D She laughed. She got the dildo cam all lubed and started scanning. Basically in a nutshell, she said I had 4 follicles, 2 on each side. The measured as follows: 31, 26, 24, 10. I asked her what the average was and she said they like to see them between 18-20, so I thought I was looking pretty good. Then she said I'll be heading up to the doctor's office now so he can chat with me. I didn't realize I'd be meeting Dr. S today, so I was a little stunned. We didn't have to wait up there too long before they called us back to a room. The nurse was real chipper and said it looked like I had some follicles that were about ready to burst and I'd be getting a shot today. Say what??? I was floored, scared, excited, everything. It was one thing to see Dr. S, but now I'm getting a shot? Of what? Why? I have NO RESEARCH on this! I'm NOT prepared! What questions should I ask? Holy shit! Of course the nurse left and I was nearly shaking. I couldn't believe this. I had no idea. Eric was pissed b/c they hadn't even mentioned this when we set up the U/S, but I said it was partially my fault for not asking what all would happen this cycle, too. We both tried flipping through magazines to calm our nerves, but it didn't help. Finally Dr. S came in. He said it looks like the clomid is doing what it's supposed to and they wanted to give me a shot of hCG to go ahead and make me ovulate, so we can monitor it better. And he wants us to have intercourse tonight and tomorrow night as the hCG will make me ovulate between the next 12-24 hours. No problem here since it was already going to happen anyway. I asked how much the hcg was going to cost and he said not too much, so I didn't really get an answer out of him. I guess we'll find out when the bill comes. I said I guess from what the nurse said I have 3 good follicles and he said well, 2. He said the one that was 31 was most likely left over from a previous cycle and obviously the 10 wasn't big enough. So I have 2 good ones, 26 & 24, one on each ovary. I guess that's not too bad.

Finally I asked what if this doesn't work and he said he will let me go 6 rounds of clomid before they consider clomid a failure for me. He also said that if you are going to get pregnant you will get pregnant during the first 6 rounds. So at least I have more of a timeframe now and that put me at ease a little. If we get to round 6 and it doesn't work, then he will then refer me on to the RE and they will go from there. So, I guess I have til the end of the year to get a bun in my oven. Oh dear!


Kitten said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! If this works, I'm driving down there and kissing his shiny doctor shoes!!

That is excellent news! Way to go on the BD-ing tootsie!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! WHO-HOO!!!!!! So excited for you E. Are you temping at all this month? I'll be waiting in suspense to see how things go! Good luck!