Thursday, September 29, 2005

Update - CD 31, 16 DPO

Did you hear that? 16 DPO? So let's recap my past shall we?

Longest LP ever charting - 14 Days (Mostly w/ Clomid but a few other cycles, too)
Longest Cycle ever - 31 Days (one was July, but I also O'd later)

HPT - 14 DPO - Negative
Temp - Still up

So you see my first instinct it to blame it on the hcG shot, but I can't seem to find anything on the intenet to back that up. So I thought for sure by calling my docs office they would give me some good information. Boy was I wrong. My doc

Me: Hi, I'd like to talk to a nurse in Dr. S's office

Clinic: Sure, please hold

Stupid Nurse: Dr. S is out of the office today this is the Medical Information desk, how can I help you?

Me: Hi, this is Mrs. T and I took clomid this cycle and then got the hcG shot and I was wondering if it makes your cycles longer

Nurse Stupid: No, but the clomid will.

Me: But this is my 4th round of clomid and I've had consistant 14 Day LP. Now I'm at 16 days. I took a HPT at 14DPO and don't want to waste money on them only to find out that the shot will make your cycle longer

Stupid Nurse: I can't believe you doctor didn't tell you that Clomid will make your cycle longer.

Me: Well, he didn't and like I said I think if anything it's the shot

Stupid Nurse: Well, we always tell people clomid will lengthen their cycle so you need to wait until about Day 35 of your cycle, that's starting from the first day of your period to day 35, and then test and call us back.

Me: I've never had this long of LP. Are you sure about the shot?

Stupid Nurse: Yes, clomid can lenghten your cycle. Take a test at Day 35 and call us back.

Me: Fine, click!

Is it me or is that stupid bitch hung up on the clomid and didn't hear a word I asked about the shot???? She obviously has no idea! Grrr... She really made me mad and I intend on telling Dr. S that their "information desk" was worthless!

So, now I scour the internet today looking for something to blame this long cycle/LP on, refusing to believe I'm pregnant b/c well, I took one on Tuesday and it said no, so I'm sure it hasn't changed.

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. :D Keep your fingers crossed!


cat said...

Fingers crossed! Seems there is a collective idiot vibe going on with nurses this week. Hopefully tomorrow will bring wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

Oh honey...they are crossed as tightly as it gets.

And yeah, those f'ing nurses can be some real dip-shits sometimes.