Thursday, September 29, 2005

Stupid Nurse - Take 2

That stupid nurse called me back and basically told me the same damn thing about clomid lengthening my cycle. She talked to another nurse (a real nurse is what I expect) and she said the reason they gave me the "Day 35" spiel is b/c IF at Day 35 I still haven't started and I get a negative test meaning I'm definitely not pregnant, they could give me a drug to make me start, but she doesn't know if my doc will or not if we get to that point... Does that make much sense to you? I thought I knew a lot about this, now I'm mad and confused.

Why can't I find out any information on hcG delaying AF? Actually the couple articles I did find say it doesn't, but I'm sure everyone is different.


1 comment:

cat said...

Oh man... sorry. I know how frustrating all this is especially when the nurses won't listen. I have not heard of a trigger shot causing your cycle to be longer. The trigger didn't effect my cycle but the progesterone did make it longer. You are right though every woman's body is different. Will continue to hope that this might produce some good news.