Thursday, September 08, 2005

Still fightin' the Allergies

They are still kicking my butt, too. I've been feeling blah all week. Sorta weak, but mostly just battling drainage problems. Haven't had much of an appetite either. I suppose that isn't a horrible thing, but I'd like to lose weight the "right" way. ha ha

We picked up my new bicycle Tuesday evening and Eric is supposed to get his today or tomorrow, so I know we will be hitting the trails this weekend. I'm excited to start riding my bike. I originally thought I was going to ride to work and home, but everyone is so worried and Eric has promised to ride several times a week, so I guess that's ok. We were hoping to get to the gym before work this week, but with my allergies I haven't been up to it, so hopefully we can get back to that next week.

Tomorrow is my second therapy session and I'm ready. One thing I've noticed in the last week is my anxiety. Last week she asked me where I felt the anxiety and I said my stomach b/c normally my nerves cause stomach problems, however last Friday I felt it in my chest and up high, so I guess it's both.

Good news! Remember a while back when I came up with the tat idea? Well, it looks like I should be going next week! I'm super excited and anxious to get it done. I've been watching "Miami*Ink" or "In*ked" when I catch it lately on TV, so I'll be glad when I can get mine done and enjoy it insead of drooling over other people's. ha ha

I'll update tomorrow after my appointment. I hope we accomplish something tomorrow. :D

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