Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Therapy #4

I left this session feeling better. We talked about my week and how it hasn't been as stressful although I though my hormones are out of whack. She's not so good with pitying me b/c she's been through many years of IF herself. She's basically done everything and finally come to the conclusion that they were not meant to have kids and went on with their lives. It's interesting about her, but kind of made me a bit uneasy, too.

The major focus of today's session was stress. I got to do this cute little survey and guess there I fall? High, but not the highest level, so I guess that's good. Right? We went through the entire list of "symptoms" I have of stress, which was fairly long.

Then we did this other thing to see how well I take care of myself in certain ways. My major problem area is cognitive. She also suggested I get a massage once a month or whenever something big is on the horizon. An example is next week I should find out whether this cycle worked or if we'll be moving on to #5. (Eric thought this was BS, but I somehow convinced him and go Friday after work for a 30 min. massage) Anyway, this seemed like a good idea to me after I thought about it, too. She also wants be to start documenting my headaches, but I've had them to infrequently that I didn't think that was necessary.

One thing that irked me was she doesn't seem to like the idea of my blog. She said its not the same as journaling and I don't "let it all out" on here. Do you, my readers, think I hold back? Be honest! I agree occassionally I hold back, but those things I wouldn't "write in my journal" either. I told her I have tried "writing in a journal" on several occassions and would not follow though. I do a few entries and then it's gone. With my blog I post regularly and don't hide my feelings.


Anonymous said...

I don't personally know you, so it's hard to tell if you are holding back or not. But, honestly, from reading your blog for several months, I feel as though you don't really hold back. You express your feelings and thoughts WAAAYYY more than I would to a public blog. (I really envy that, I'm not open enough to do that & I'd be afraid of being judged!) Anyway, I think if you know that you wouldn't stick to doing a journal at home, then your blogging is just fine. Especially since you say you don't hold back at all. I would just continue doing what your doing! OKAY, enough rambling.

Oh, and I think getting a massage every now & then would do wonders for you. A relative got me a $500 gift certificate to a spa, and whenever I get really stressed out I get a massage & it releases soooo much tension. ENJOY!

Sarah said...

I think if you wouldn't follow through on journaling (as I wouldn't) then blogging is just find for you.

I don't know if you hold back or not, it's my first visit, but I'm like you, if it's something I won't write's doubtful that I would write it at all.

Sarah said...

Sorry - that should be "fine" not "find". Wish there was an edit button for comments. :)

Anonymous said...

Who care what she thinks about you blogging? If you enjoy it, do it. It's not destructive and can be very freeing. If you don't think you would paper journal, then why not blog? Also, how does she know you don't let it all out. Does she read it?

I second the massages. I actually need to start getting them more. Especially with working out all the time, massages are a wonderful stress reliever. Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the others that you are open in your blog...
and I also think it isn't the role of a therapist to be judgmental about whether you blog vs.'s her job to help you come to your own conclusions/realizations about why you have made certain choices in your life; Maybe she feels threatened by your blog...i.e, like something she says will be exposed to the public in some way?!