My mom picked up these pink gems over the weekend and gave them over to me the other night. They came in this litle baggy w/ no card or anything. It was nice. I asked her what I was supposed to do with them and she said I should keep one and Eric should keep one. When I protested saying Eric probably wouldn't carry a pink rock around with him, she thought maybe we could put the other one by our bed. I thought maybe I used them to strengthen my kegels. You know get some fertility luck up my fertility canal. ha ha ha My grams was with her and really got a kick out of that comment, too. Our room is filled with fertility symbols (that obviously aren't doing their job), so one more surely could help.
On a serious note though, somebody was probably blowing smoke up her ass, but I'll take it b/c essentially it IS the thought that counts and at least she was thinking of us. So tonight I'll put one beside our bed and hope it got into our hands at just the right time.
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