Monday, October 03, 2005

Therapy #5 - Cognitive Thinking

This therapy session was sorta dull. We talked about what was going on around me (Jen's Cancer, Danialle's throat, my IF). My IF actually became the extended topic of the hour this time. That and my cognitive thinking. I have a tendency towards negative thinking. We played this little game where I got to write down some negative thoughts, pick what kind of thoughts there were and then come up with some positive thoughts. Some of my positive thoughts came off as assvice and I was a little irked by the time I left there. Here are some thoughts I'm supposed to be having:

"I'm still young"

"We still have many other options"

"I still have 2 more months of clomid before getting referred on"

Why do these positive thoughts seem like such assvice? Maybe it was PMS or something b/c I had no desire to talk to her this time. Seriously it's very hard to stay positive after 2 YEARS!

My homework for this week is to evaluate the times we I have an argument with Eric (or anyone else). Identify my negative thoughts and then come up with positive ones. We had little fun with this right after when I was telling him about it. I'm an argumentative person. I like to argue about stuff sometimes if the mood strikes me. Not all the time of course.

So, we'll see how this week goes. I go back on Thursday.

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