Thursday, October 13, 2005

Therapy #6

Yesterday was my first appointment in nearly 2 weeks. I told her I was glad I didn't go last week, b/c I really didn't have anything to talk about and felt it would have been a waste of both of our times. She seemed content with that and told me to call anytime I didn't think our appointment was necessary. So essentially she agreed with me. Nice. Anyhow, I woke up in a nice mood yesterday. I was tired still, but my mood was good. I was chipper and it was just a good day all around. Apparently it showed b/c she commented that I really looked good before I even said anything so that was nice, too. Anyway we chatted about some things that had been going on and how I'd handled them. She thought I seemed to be handling things much better these days, which I agree. She really liked the fact that I "pampered" or "treated" myself this weekend and attributed those to my good mood. Obviously I should try to do that more often. She thinks my "cognitive thinking" has gotten much better in the last 2 weeks and I think it's mostly due to just feeling good in general. We plan on getting back to the gym regularly next week, plus I'm going to start cooking more at home and both of those things will again help me feel better about myself. Therapy yesterday wasn't exactly what you'd call therapy. We basically just chatted about things for an hour and I gave her $20 for her time. :D

Anyway, the best part is I've been upgraded to bi-weekly visits. She mentioned it and I told her I had planned on suggesting it myself. I feel like I'm getting back to being a little "normal". Whatever that is.

Oh, she also suggested I look into getting a primary care physician since I don't have one. She couldn't believe that 1) I didn't have one and 2) haven't for the last 4 years. I knew in the back of my head that I could always fall back on my old doc even though he was 45 min away if it was an emergency. So I've spent this morning (aside from cutting and filing my fingernails) looking for a PCP that will accomodate both mine and Eric's insurance (we have different ones). My therapist suggested I get a CBC (Complete Blood Count) as soon as possible and that I should get one every couple of years. I didn't even know such a thing existed, but decided it was a wonderful idea myself. Hopefully I can get that done soon, too.

1 comment:

cat said...

Sometimes that just chatting session is such a mood lifter. Glad you are feeling good. Pamper yourself more for sure! You always deserve it.