Thursday, March 16, 2006

Blood work from hell.... Part Two....

I called Dr. B's office this afternoon to find out if they had received the paperwork from Dr. S's office yet although I was pretty sure I already knew the answer. Had to leave a voicemail...

G called me back and they have not received anything from Dr. S's office yet. I told her I would call them and she should have it tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Dr. S's office is slow obviously. She didn't seem concerned as long as they had it when I started. She told me that they had a recent retrieval of 23 eggs! Wow! They have also had great fertilization with the participants who have gone though so far, too. Their goal is a minimum of 10 good eggs retrieved and fertilization of 8-9 eggs. That sounds just fine to me. She asked me again where I was in my cycle. (You would think she'd write down an estimate since its all based around that...) Apparently G is going to be away the weekend I’m expecting my period, but it wouldn't be a big deal as one of the nurses would just get me set up. She also said that on Day 2 when we came in for the blood work they could just go through injection training and give me all of the meds that day. If something happened and my levels weren't right then we would just bring everything back to them. This made me happy because that's one less trip there and back. She said that if for some reason my levels weren't right then we still had another month to try and be part of the study. Woohoo! Finally she made sure we were aware that when we go in on the Day 2 testing we had to pay our out-of-pocket that day, which is fine. We have it in the bank and ready. I told her I'd call her again on Monday afternoon if I hadn't heard from her that she'd received anything.

I immediately called Dr. S's office. There are out today (figures), but I was able to talk to his receptionist. She said they were waiting on my blood work (surprise). She said it's likely that he got it today, but just hadn't looked at it yet and gotten it to my file. She had my records waiting to be faxed, but since I put on my form that I wanted that blood work faxed, too they had to wait on it. Dr. S is in surgery tomorrow, but he usually goes through some paperwork so they hope to get it out tomorrow or Monday. I will say that Dr. S knows it's urgent, so I am certain he wouldn't hold it up on his end.

Still more waiting... I'll be glad to just have to worry about the Day 2 testing...


cat said...

Good luck with all the bloodwork issues. Stalk them! I'm serious. Hope you get it all worked out asap.

New look is swell btw.

Anonymous said...

What a pain in the butt! Don't you wish that you were the only patient and that everything was done right away? That's how I feel sometimes. Good luck with the bloodwork and NICE new layout!