Saturday I got up and started working on another turkey creation as we were going to my dad's for dinner that night. We had bought a breast on Thursday that I let thaw in the fridge. When I got it out Sunday morning I panicked b/c I realized it was a breast w/ a bone in it. I hadn't thought about how to prepare this so I made Eric go get one w/out a bone it in. He went to our regular grocery store and apparently they only carry the "bone in" ones now, so I made him go to the other grocery store down the road. Thankfully they had one. I decided I was going to have to at least cook the "bone in" one anyway and that it probably would have worked out in the end. So I put the "bone in" breast into the roaster and let it go. Then I took the regular breast and put it in the crockpot. I put together maple syrup, cinnamon & some amaretto and used that to basted both breasts in. Then periodically, about every 30 minutes or so, I poured regular maple syrup over it. It smelled yummy all morning. Finally the "bone in" breast was done. I took it out and let it cool, then dissected it. Unfortunately it was also a breast that had the skin on it, so after I peeled that all off you couldn't taste as much of the sweetness. It was still good and very moist though. Then, my sister & her boyfriend came over to do laundry early afternoon and I fixed them the leftover citrus & garlic turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and biscuits. Apparently it was a hit!
Around 3:00 we packed everything up and headed to C'ville. We stopped at my brothers grave then headed to my dad's. Surprisingly they had also invited my grandparents who I haven't seen since Thanksgiving, so I was very excited! We chatted and fixed some things, then began slicing the turkey. The turkey was a big hit. You could definitely taste the sweetness of the maple syrup. My stepmom poured some of the juices over it and that made it even better. Definitely something I will cook again, too! After dinner Eric took a nap, my dad & gramps sat and talked and my stepmom, grams & I played some cards and talked. It was nice just sitting around visiting with them. We had some ice cream cake and then left around 8:30 to head home.
Sidenote: I'd definitely recommend the maple syrup and cinnamon baste for a turkey. I think I'd scratch the amaretto in the future. I'll have to experiment with it a little more.
After we got home, Eric had a headache and went to bed. I stayed up with the dogs for a little while since they'd been couped up for a few hours. I heard this weird noise coming from the kitchen... Godiva was caught picking ice cubes out of the sink. We had used them to keep the ice cream cake cold for our trip home... Isn't this hilarious?? I joked that maybe she was inspired by all the cooking I've been doing and wanted to help out with the dishes.

Sunday was a little lazier. We got up, had breakfast and read the newspaper. Then we ran some errands. First off we wondered around Tar*get. We don't get there as often anymore and I was really in the wondering mood. Not so good on the checkbook though. After that we grabbed lunch, then stopped for groceries. Now that I'm cooking more it seems like our grocery bill is getting higher, but I suppose that's ok if we aren't eating out as much.
After we got home I baked some brownies. I have been craving them and I had a coupon, so why not? Then I made a salad and used my early birthday present to cut up the carrots and such. I spent the afternoon watching "Yours, mine & ours", which was quite funny and spent the evening watching the Law & Order marathon and munching on junk food.
This week is going to be crazy busy for us. Tonight I have a much needed massage at 6:30 and Eric is going to the city council meeting to argue about the smoking ban. Tomorrow I have this wellness screening for work. Wednesday I'm going to have a pedicure after work. Thursday is MY BIRTHDAY! We should also find out the results of one of our tests. Saturday we may be going to Indy for another test. Sunday we are meeting my in-laws for a birthday luncheon. The only day we actually have free right now is Friday night! Ugh!
That photo of Godiva is adorable! Wouldn't it be great if she really could do dishes? :)
That photo is hilarious!! She totally looks like she's doing the dishes. I guess she's a lady who knows what she wants - and ice cubes must be it!
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