We played with her and ate. She was cranky b/c she's having problems eating. She has reflux real bad and actually spits up everything she eats. Needless to say K's going to make her an appointment this week at the children's hospital. It was fun seeing her though regardless. I kept telling her I was going to photoshop her bib to say "I love my aunt!" Oh and do you see her teeth coming in? So cute!
After lunch I met up with Danialle. We stopped by a local tattoo shop to schedule an appointment for some tattoos we are getting done in the future. The guy was super nice and we were pleased with his work and such, so we scheduled the appointment. He is new in town and has had several people cancel out on him, so he's requiring a $20 downpayment, which was fine, too. Neither of us had cash, so we headed over to the atm to get some real quick. As I was pulling out of the bank, I got sidetracked by this...

which caused me to turn the WRONG WAY down a one-way street!!! You'll notice all the cars are parked facing me and there is even a car turing towards us... We got so tickled that I even did it that I pulled a U-y and then pulled back into the bank, so we could get a picture for evidence. By this time we were in tears from laughing so hard. Good times.
After we dropped off our $20 deposit, we headed over to the local ice cream shop for some cherry & vanilla cokes. YUM! We then headed out to visit my brother's grave & cleaned up some leaves that were around it. (I miss him loads!!)
I had mentioned that I really wanted to dye my hair again and so we decided to head to Wal*Mart so she could help me pick out some hair color. We found a color that was quite bold and got out of that crazy store fast. After leaving there I dropped her off to her husband and headed home myself.
Eric & I ran a few errands when I got home, then my sister came over and dyed my hair this color...

It's really dark and had a hint of red in it. I like it, but it's definitely bold. We made some healthy chilli (using V8, ground turkey, & wheat pasta) and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
Sunday we picked up Ashlee & Hugh and headed to the Pacers game. We had intended to get them to a Colts game, but weren't able to get the tickets, so they were content with going to see the Pacers. We saw this on our way there...

How'd you like to rub that on your lips? GAG!
Here's a couple pics from the game.

Finally we headed home, exhausted from our weekend. We dropped them off and took a picture of this...

We see this sign all the time and keep saying we wanted to get a picture. So it just so happened we had our camera with us as we passed this time.
We spent the evening on the couch and went to bed early.
LOFL... what a weekend. Love the hair color it's very pretty. The Chicken poop sign... hilarious.
What the??? The signs, I mean, what the heck is going on in IN? :)
I have no idea, but it's hilarious and they are definitely conversation pieces...
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