Friday, April 21, 2006

Goodbye Assholes!

I am NOT talking to you lovely internet readers!

Today is the last day of my current job. And I couldn't be happier! I won't go into all the details, but I am happy to move on to much bigger and much better things. I contemplated thanking them for how shitty they treated me, but decided to just smile and pray for the next person who follows me. I've spent the entire week having my 500+ students come in and tell me how much they'll miss me and how wonderful I am. It's been great and especially wonderful when my co-workers are in here and hear it. hee hee

I start my new job on Monday, only after going to Indy to give blood for my first (of two) betas. What an exciting week. I will update Monday, probably evening, with results of my beta since I'm not sure if I'll have time at my new job. Stay tuned for a fun and exciting week! Yay!


Bugsy said...

Good luck - both with the new job and your first beta.

x said...

Beta, yea! I can't wait to hear. Best of luck with the new job, it sounds like you are making a great move.

soralis said...

Good luck on Monday!!

Milenka said...

I'm obsessing over here....doodeedoo...