Wednesday, June 15, 2005

CD 14, CC 1

My temp was back to consistent today, so that's good. I'm feeling really bloated and crampy and just plain blah, so I hope that means I'm going to ovulate today. Ugh! Should be anytime now. The sooner the better of course! My CM seems to be doing a little better. We used PS on Sunday, but didn't use it last night. We did have it easily accessible just in case, but didn't use it. I suppose my body is probably producing a little more b/c I'm around O time, ya think? I hope.

I have to say I'm become much more pleased with my body these days. I've lost a total of 15 pounds as of this past Sunday and am really feeling good. It also makes me happy that I did lose some weight before pregnancy, too. I know I wasn't obese before, but I was a little overweight and I think getting in shape is nothing but great for me and the baby I hope to soon be carrying. I really enjoy exercise even though we are busy and neglect it some days. It just makes me feel good. Eating better is wonderful, too. Sure I have a bad meal on occassion, but I'm eating SO MUCH better than in the past. We are eating at home more, but would like to increase that a little more. I'm taking my lunch to work 4 days a week. My stomach feels so much better after I eat, too. I'm drinking tons of water and zero pop. Although occassionally I will get a rootbeer if it's really good, but we don't buy it just for home and nothing with caffeine. My headaches are few and far between, too. I'm so please with how far I've come in the last 6 months of starting this new "lifestyle". I do have a little more to go, but right now I feel pretty damn good about myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You should be very proud, it can be difficult to change your lifestyle.