Sunday, June 05, 2005

CD 4 - CC #1

Oh my goodness! Am I ever a bag of emotions. Yesterday I took my first Clomid pill of this cycle. I didn't think I would notice anything yesterday, but by the evening it was clear that it affected my emotions. Our day was pretty busy. We got up early and I worked outside in the landscape for a little bit. I mostly pulled weeds and stuff like that. We met my dad & stepmom around 9 am at our storage unit and they helped us move the rest of the big stuff back to our garage. It was so freaking muggy and hot outside and my allergies were already kicking my ass. Anyway, they left around 11 probably and Eric & I finished cleaning up the garage. We grabbed a quick lunch at Moe's then ran a few errands. When we got back home we set up the new filter for our fish pond and it is going to work like a dream I think. It is an external biological filter and you really don't need to clean it much. The one we have now you have to clean every 2-3 days and it's a royal pain. Anway, I started getting a headache, but took a shower and got ready. AFter I got out of the shower I relaxed on the couch for a bit and ended up taking a nap. When I woke up it was 5:45 and we were supposed to be at my cousin's wedding reception at 6:00. I panicked, but we were only about 10 minutes late and it wasn't a big deal.

My mom and sister arrived a short time later and we were talking to Ash about her financial aid and some other stuff about college. She was being a pain and so was my mom. The started picking on each other and mom ended up going to her car w/ tears in her eyes. I was pissed and my tears just started rolling. It went both ways w/ them as they were both going back and forth, but apparently my emotions couldn't handle it. Eric talked to Ash for a bit and she tried to apologize to mom, but it was apparently unacceptable or whatever. Anyway, everyone came back to the reception and it was just tense for the rest of the evening. My cousin's were getting ready to cut the cake and do their toast when his brother (also my cousin) gave a speech. It wasn't anything spectacular by all means, but I teared up again. Jeez, it was not an emotional speech. I pulled them back in and they didn't roll down my cheeks. We left around 8:30 b/c my allergies were getting the best of my. I was sneezing my head off and apparently I was looking pretty bad. Mom & Ash left when we did, too. On the way out to our cars, mom smarted off something and I just told her I had enough to deal with in our lives at the moment and I was not about to deal with their stress. Of course when I got in the car the tears started rolling again. So I guess Clomid makes me seriously emotional so far. I look back now and laugh b/c since when does my mom and sister's fights make me CRY?

Oh and it makes me seriously warm. I'm normally a really cold person. I actually perspired in my sleep last night. Ugh! Eric cuddled me at one point and could feel the heat coming off my body!

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