Wednesday, June 08, 2005

CD 7, CC#1

Only 1 more pill to take for this month. I haven't had anymore emotional breakdowns since Day 1 of the pill, nor have I noticed any other weird things. I have been losing a ton of hair, but I think it's from the anesthesia, b/c it is a side effect. Although you'd think those side effects would be done by now. Hmmm...

Anyway, I had to politely tell my mom to shut her mouth yesterday and explain some rules to her. See she knows everything (or the majority) of our IF issues. She actually paid for my Clomid this cycle, too, which is so wonderful of her. But b/c of this I have this obligation for her to be a little involved, which really is fine by me. She seems to have kept her mouth shut to the family. Either that or she has told them, but threatened them w/ their lives that they not open their mouths. Either way, I feel like she's keeping her word. So, where was I? Oh, yes, putting my mom in line. She has called every day to "See how I'm doing" and if I'm "feeling ok". I give her a snipit of my emotions on Saturday, but every day tell her I'm fine b/c well, I am. Yesterday she asked if we were pregnant yet? Being that I am a little on edge and that was not something to joke about I told her just that. I asked her to please not joke about it and that I'm very sensitive about that stuff, so please watch what she says so as not to hurt me. I knew she didn't do it intentionally and let her know that, too, but also wanted to make sure it didn't keep up. Overall, she took it well. She, of course, asked how I was feeling today. Again fine. Then asked what the next step was. See that she asked what the next step was... To which I replied, we do it like rabbits for about 2 weeks and see if it worked! ha ha ha ha I could almost see her face redden throught the computer. She said it was way too much info and changed the subject. I'm still laughing about it.

Oh, I saw this on the news and it was very interesting. What sparked my interest most was that the girl started to go through menopause at 14. When I was younger (15-16-ish) my doc thought I was going through the same thing b/c of details I'm not doing to explain here. I had to get a biopsy of my skin "down there" and apparently I wasn't going through it, but they never came up with a conclusion and frankly I never really thought too much more about it. I might bring it up to my doc if this month doesn't work though. Interesting though, very interesting. It is so amazing what technology can do today! Wow! And think of what else it will do in the future. Blows my mind sometimes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're taking to the clomid better! That's tough stuff with your mom, I hope it can work out for the best.

You should probably tell your doc about the past situation but I'm sure they won't think anything of it.