Thursday, June 30, 2005

That word is becoming a regular

I really don't like the F word, but it seems like lately I use it a lot. I know it doesn't sound nice coming out of my mouth or being read on my blog, but it just seems to fit lately. Let me tell you about the last couple of days...

Tuesday evening I get a phone call saying that when Sister K was in the hospital giving birth she was directly exposed to measles. It has been going around here for a couple months and just when they think they've got it there is another case confirmed. This particular one happened to be the nurse taking K's blood. Of course my first concern was the baby. They didn't seem to worried about the baby as long as K had had her boosters. She is not having any symptoms, but has definitely been exposed. We didn't find out until later Tuesday after all the doc offices were closed. I was then concerned for myself b/c there is/was a chance I could be pregnant and it will cause a miscarriage. Although we didn't have direct contact with the infectant, we did have contact with K and the baby and it's AIRBORNE people! That means its in the air of the hospital. Hello!

I spent most of yesterday trying to track down my shot records. I confirmed I had my first booster, but not my second. My gen doc decided it was best that I go ahead and get this blood test that tells you 1) if you've had the booster and 2) if it worked. So after work yesterday we went to the hospital. They had me put on a mask at registration and then proceeded to tell me how it was VERY MINIMAL that I was exposed. In fact I really wasn't, but if MY INSURANCE would cover it and I really wanted to then they would go ahead and do it. I was livid with the way they treated me. Again, this is AIRBORNE and yes, I know it was a minimal chance, but those fuckers could very well have exposed me. I just said whatever and to do the test. I was allowed to take my mask off. The nurse that took my blood told me that they were doing this to the entire hospital staff and all the patients that were there during that timeframe. What about the people visiting the admitted? I know they don't have a record of it, but still. I am in the age group to be at risk, too. Anyway, they said I would hear something by this morning ONLY if I had it. Obviously I'm fine.

This morning, of course I tested and got another negative. Not much else to say about that, but it sucked. I thought for sure I was going to start b/c the last couple mornings I've felt crampy, but so far nothing. (Yes, my boob still hurt. Yes, my temp is still up although it did go down .2 today.)

Now for the kicker. Eric called me about 8:30 this morning to tell me someone had been in our iTunes account and changed the password. It's not a HUGE problem, however it does have our address and one credit card information. We initially thought it was my sister A. Eric spent the morning getting a run around and we have it narrowed down to 3 people. Sister A, her friend N (not very bright) or her friend J who is a known hacker. This freaks us out b/c you can guess who it probably is. A might have accidentally done it, but realistically she probably didn't. We now have to watch our credit again hardcore. The little fucker hacker most likely did. He's "fixed" A's computer for her when she first got it and also knows all her passwords. It has been a day from hell dealing with my sister with all this b/c she's stressed to the max already b/c she's getting surgery at 3:30 today on her ankle. I've calmed down a bit, but I'm still livid. It's just been a seriously bad day.

Oh and one more thing... We put our sister's laptop on our credit card a few weeks ago. (Yes, I realize this was a big fucking mistake) My mom was supposed to pay us back. She keeps having things "come up". She told me today that she would have "most" of it tomorrow, but that means not paying her rent. Lay on the fucking guilt trip would ya? She told me this was fine when we did it and would pay us back. I could scream. Believe me, that will NEVER happen again.

I'm just ready to cry and may well do so before the day is over. Ugh! That's sort of a brief version of why the last 24 hours have been so bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry for everything and especially for the negative. I hope things turn around real soon.