Monday, June 06, 2005

CD 5, CC#1

Jeez, did you see my temp today? Where did all my nice consistant temps go? I liked them! It looks like Clomid is to blame. This morning was really surprisingly low. I was near sweating when I went to bed last night and was hot most of the night, then I wake up w/ this lousy low temp. Grrr...

Yesterday was a pretty good day overall. We got up early and went to get a few flat rocks to make a waterfall for our pond. We had to get a new filter the other day and its big and sits on the outside. Still havnen't figured out how to cover it, but we will eventually. It was so hot and humid outside, which is my least favorite weather. And it was seriously windy out, too. In the afternoon we decided to go grab some groceries and it was just beginning to rain as we left. It was a hard, fast rain. We went the back way to our house, which is hard to explain, but the road is next to a field and you can sorta see our addition. Anyway, the lightening was wild and Eric even commented that it looked like it was all going into our addition. We got home and as soon as we brought the groceries in the tornado alarm went off. It has actually stopped raining and was clearing up, so a few neighbors were outside (as was I) trying to see what was going on. I didn't see anything and Eric was checking the radar. After a few minutes it went off, but there were a ton of sirens going. We figured a transformer blew or there was an accident b/c of the hard rain. We decided I really wasn't in the mood to cook and we were getting back to healthy eating Monday, so we'd just go out one last time. Eric went to close the front door and noticed smoke billowing out from somewhere in our neighborhood. We walked down the street to see a house in our neighborhood on fire (flames shooting up and all), apparently it had been struck by lightening. All this was a matter of 15-20 minutes. It was so scary watching this. They were able to get their cars away from the house and had even brought some stuff out of the house before it good too bad. A few firemen were even bring some other stuff out of the house while they were making sure the fire was out, etc. We watched this for a little bit then headed on to dinner. When we came back home, you couldn't get in our addition still so we went through the other addition. Good thing there is a back entrance. After we were home for a little while we took the dogs on a walk. We walked over by the house and thankfully they had gotten a lot of stuff out of their house. They had two of the neighbors garages full and were still going back in and bringing stuff out.

We relaxed the rest of the evening. I cut up some watermelon and some radishes and that's about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an exciting (yet scary and sad) fire story. I'm glad the people were ok.

Yep, sounds like the clomid is playing tricks on your body. I hope everything settles down soon!