Sunday, April 09, 2006

CD 15 - Retrieval

Total Count - 20!!!!!!!!




So that means 10 in device, 10 regular invitro'd. Will find out tomorrow how many of the regular initro'd ones fertilized. This should be a good indicator of how the 10 in the device will fertilize.

Off to bed now! More details later!


Milenka said...

20 is awesome! I can't wait for mnore news! :-)

Thalia said...

20 is great! I hope the fertilisation report is just as good.

YouGuysKnow said...

20! wow!! so now wait. what is the "device" ?? i looked back on your blog but can't seem to find reference. please explain. do you mean you froze 10 unfertilized eggs? or something else? i know you're part of a study...

this is great news - please keep updating - enjoy the bed and make sure husband feeds you grapes and fans you like you deserve!

OMG - the word verification is lsopg. the "l" unles your first name begins with that letter but the other letters - so pg!!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 20! I hope you are getting a nice rest and enjoying your diva-ness!

Jennifer said...

I'm so happy for you! 20 is a great number. We couldn't have asked for more! Call me at work tomorrow as soon as you get the fertilization for the 1st 10 eggs!