Sunday, April 16, 2006

Public vs. Private

It has been brought to my attention that some of my family members are reading my blog now. While them reading my blog does not bother me.... OPENING THEIR BIG FUCKING MOUTHS AND TELLING THE ENTIRE FAMILY ABOUT MY LIFE DOES!!!!!!!!! If I wanted to tell the family about certain things in our life I WOULD. There is a reason that NO ONE KNOWS!!! THE BIGGEST REASON BEING THEY CAN'T KEEP THEIR BIG MOUTHS CLOSED. Plus they all of a sudden become VERY involved in my life. And considering they can't call me on a regular basis to see how I'm doing and then spread very deep private aspects of my life really bothers me. What gives this person the right? Isn't it obvious that I don't want them to know? If she has been reading my blog for very long at all she'll realize the reason I didn't tell any of them. STRESS!!!!!

It amazes me how someone who wants so much attention only strives for the worst kind of attention. She thrives on gossip. She wants so much to please people, but yet she does everything to hurt them and stomp on them while they are down.

You want to know why I called in SICK to my family thing on Saturday??? Let's see I kept our fertility issues a secret for a long time. I think around this time last year is when they found out. All of a sudden they come out of the woodwork with all their fucking ASS-VICE!! Again these are the people that could give two-shits about our lives the day before. BUT NOW THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT AND GOSSIP ABOUT. Before long there will be an article in all the county newspapers.

"Mr and Mrs T - Infertility - IVF - Multiples - Tell Everyone!"

My uncle happened upon my blog a while back by accident. I commend him because he actually sent me an e-mail and told me then ASKED if he could read my blog and that he would keep it private. To my knowledge he has lived up to his word. Thanks Uncle Brian!

I'm not trying to hide anything. Obviously my blog is public and we have lots of pictures up. I am just so disappointed that my BIG MOUTH aunt got to tell the whole family and not us sharing the news when we are ready. That's what upsets me the most... So Sherrie I hope you are fucking happy sharing all of OUR news and having all the fucking glory and I will somewhat blame your big fucking mouth if we don't get pregnant (now that I am quite upset and stressed). Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted!!

What's the worst part is that we are in the most crucial time and don't even know if those embryos are stuck and I'll even get pregnant.

**edited to add**
For anyone close and personal with me (friends, family, etc). Whether you have let me know you are reading or not, I really appreciate you just following me and hoping and praying for us. Our dreams will one day come true and I know just how much those close to us really mean to me by just silently following. Thank you so much! I commend you!


Kitten said...

I'm very sorry this happened to you but try not to let it get to you. It doesn't change anything. It doesn't change those adorable embies or your relationship with Eric or your goal of having kids. All it changes is your relationship with your aunt, which was strained anyways.

Breathe deep, laugh it off and move on. You'll have all the glory of holding those kiddies when they are born, not her.

Love you.

Kitten said...

I must add though, I'm not trying to shrug off your feelings about this...I can see why you are pissed.

I just want you to know that you can control how you let her affect you. You are a strong woman who has been through alot. Please don't let mom throw you at the final inning.

Hang in there tootsie. Deep breaths. I have your back.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...

GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for yourself to your family. I can totally understand how upset you are. I hope your aunt is able to see this negative and destructive behavior in herself and apologize to you and your husband.

Too bad you can't have a glass of wine to calm your stressed nerves... :)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this has happened to you. My thoughts are with both of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Easier said than done, but try to blow her off. I understand, it is an invasion of privacy, and your news to spread when you were/are ready, but think of your goal. You don't want stress to ruin this amazing opportunity! Just think of those beautiful babies-to-be and replace those bad vibes with feelings of happy, mommy-to-be vibes. Take Godiva for a nice (but not too long) walk, breath, and let the tension go. I'm thinking of you!

Milenka said...

Ugh. That sucks, sweetie.

soralis said...

I am so sorry this happened to you. Hugs

YouGuysKnow said...

good for you for sticking up for yourself, girl. people have GOT to be more sensitive, more human. i don't care if they're family or not.

and now...

let it go if you can. you're above this.


Mel said...

I hate it when people steal your thunder. :( I am so sorry sweetie.